I have a definite bump now, and its getting bigger with each week! Maternity clothes are a must at this point. I made it until week 14 in my pre-pregnancy jeans (using rubberbands) but the time finally came where I couldn't fit them anymore. I'm lucky to have an older sister that has so graciously allowed me to borrow her maternity clothes. I haven't had to buy many tops, just jeans and pants for work.
We decided to take a photo of us together as well:
With each passing week we are getting more and more excited! Since our last post, we've had one doctor visit and it went really well. We got to listen to the baby's heartbeat, and I had to have blood drawn for some routine tests. They said they would call if anything concerning came back, and they haven't called, so that's good!
Our next doctor appointment is April 22. We have another on May 8, which is an ultrasound. We will find out what we are having on that day! We are counting down to that. I'm excited to go and buy our first baby outfit!
We've decided we will let everyone know what the gender is, but we are keeping names a secret. That will be the surprise when the baby is born!
The second trimester is going well for me. I've got more energy (even though I do still need a lot of rest) and I've been finding foods that I couldn't eat before more appealing again. I've actually been able to manage eating chicken (that was my biggest icky food)! And Adam is glad that we can start to eat a more normal diet again.
Tomorrow marks week 16 for us. It seems like time is passing slowly each week, but when I look at how far along we already are, its crazy! Summer will fly by, as it always does, and then we'll have our little one! :)
Well, that's all for now. We'll post again in a few weeks to share ultrasound pictures, and to say what we're having!