We are finally making time to post our 30 week belly picture...so here it is:

I am getting pretty big! And to think, I have another 10ish weeks to go...
Here is Adam's 30 week belly picture (I laugh every time I look at this):

Here is another one of Adam. His belly really hasn't changed much since week 10:

And here is another one of me, thinking "hmmm, this tank top can't stretch much more...":

Things have been going well! We went to the doctor for our 30 week checkup last week, and everything is still good. My blood pressure is great, all of the different things they check are right on, and the baby's heartbeat and growth is perfect. Also, my sciatic nerve is all better! Besides being unable to comfortably tie my shoelaces (thank goodness I have a loving husband) and having to take a bit of time to get comfortable at night, I am doing great! We are very blessed :)
We start going to the doctor every other week now, so we have another appointment next week already. Crazy! We will have a 32 week appointment (next week), 34 week, 36 week, and then every week after that (37, 38, 39...).
Today we are actually officially in week 31, so our due date is 9 weeks from today! We will probably update the blog a bit more regularly now to keep everyone up to date on how things are going. It is nuts that we only have 9 weeks left.
I am excited for my baby shower on August 8th! The weekend after the baby shower we have designated the "Getting Ready For Baby" weekend, so we plan to take the futon out of our second bedroom, put up the crib, move in the other baby furniture and put up the wall appliques that my sister Jenny got for us. They are adorable, with lions, elephants, monkeys, alligators, etc. They are perfect for our jungle theme! We will post pictures to let everyone see the final product :)
Adam has been wandering around aimlessly as I write this, so I've decided to ask him to add his own little "preparing to be a daddy" section to this post. So, here's Adam:
Hi. This is Adam. You can tell by the change in font style.
The fact that I have a little boy brewing in my wife's belly has become very real to me recently. I spend many nights reading books to the little karate master. I started with Diary of A Wimpy Kid and moved on to A Series of Unfortunate Events... As I write this, I wonder about the implications of those titles... But I like to believe baby appreciates our bonding time. He let me know just the other night by kickboxing me in the face through Beth's bellybutton.
Bottom line, I'm not wasting any time when it comes to building a relationship with the bugger.
Adam out.