Well, we finally made it to 20 weeks! Half way there - woo hoo!
We had our 20 week ultrasound on May 8, 2009 at 8:30 am. Along with us came Adam's mom Mary and my mom Theresa. Adam's dad, Greg, waited patiently in the waiting room (as we were only allowed to have two additional people besides Adam and I). We got to see the baby moving around a lot and watch as the ultrasound technician checked all of the baby's organs, etc. She asked if we wanted to know the gender of the baby, we said yes, and she went searching for a good shot to determine it...and there we saw, clear as day, that we are having a BOY!!! We were all ecstatic! This will be the first boy born into my family (I have three sisters, and my older sister Jenny has 2 daughters), so it should be interesting! We were finally able to prove that the Franz girls really can produce a boy! :)
Here are some ultrasound pictures (they are all in 4D):
In this one you can see his face and his right arm up next to his head:

In this one you can see both of his legs, his feet and his bottom:
Here, you can see his face and he's grabbing at his foot with his hand:

Here you can see both of us hands and his arms, he's holding them up in front of his face:
Here is another one of both of his legs and feet. You can also see one hand, and that long thing coming down behind his hand is the umbilical cord:

After our doctor's visit was done it was time to go shopping! Adam and I have held off on buying anything (except one little sweater) until after we found out what we were having, so we were ready to finally indulge in some baby clothes buying madness! We went with my mom and Adam's parents to the mall, and got some adorable stuff. Most were purchased by the grandparents - they were excited to shop, too! Here are pictures of the pile of baby clothes we came home with that day:

Adam and I are thrilled to find out that we are having a son. Adam is excited about all of the things that he will be able to teach him - he's already talking about getting little kid instruments! Ha ha! It is crazy to finally be able to say "he" instead of "the baby". Now we have to wait for another 20ish weeks to meet our little guy...hopefully it will go fast!
On June 9 we have another doctor appointment - we'll post another update on how that goes!
Till then,
Beth and Adam
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