We finally finished the nursery, except for window valances that are being made. Here are pictures of the (almost) final product!
Here is the view from the door. We left a bookshelve and desk in the room. They are being used mostly for baby stuff, except inside the desk, which has files for bills, etc. It made a nice spot for a small tv for late night nursings!:

Here is my glider. Boppy pillows are ready to go, and there is a night light lamp on the baby dresser for us to turn on at night for a bit of light if needed:

The crib and changing table. We put the comforter from the crib bedding on the wall, and you can see the majority of the wall stickers are on this big wall. They are adorable, and add a lot of color!:

Here is a picture of us in the nursery. This was taken today, 2 days before we hit week 37!:

So that is the nursery! We are excited to have it done. All of the baby's clothes, blankets, etc. are washed, and we are stocked with all of the essentials (diapers, wipes, etc.). Now we just need our little guy to arrive! :)
We had a doctor appointment last Thursday, and I was 1 cm dilated but not very effaced. We go again on Wednesday Sept 2, so we will see if anything has changed!
Till then,
Beth and Adam
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