Here I am, I found out in the morning while Adam was at work. I took one pregnancy test and it had a faint pink just to be sure, I went to Walmart and bought three more packs. Three more positive tests later, I figured it was for real! And then I cried.
Before I had taken the first test, I had called my mom and set a lunch date with her and my sister Jessica. So after I found out I was pregnant, I had to go to lunch with them and NOT SAY ANYTHING! I couldn't tell them, because Adam didn't know yet. I made it through lunch without spilling the beans, but I was so giddy the entire time (and ditzy as a result) that they they joked that I must have spiked my lemonade. Ha ha. I was ditzy though, I kept giggling, dropping things and accidently smacked myself in the face at one point. Oops.
Then I went to work. And counted the minutes till I could leave.
After work, I stopped at Copps to get supplies for telling Adam. I got a bunch of pink and blue balloons, and some mini bottles of Mountain Dew (to weigh down the balloons), then headed home.

We went out to Chili's for dinner to celebrate, and then decided to tell my family. We texted all of them a picture of a postive pregnancy test, then waited for the phone calls. Meanwhile, we stopped at Walmart and picked up an icecream cake. Once they finally got the text, my sister Rachel wasn't sure what it was. She showed my mom, and the crazy excitement commenced. We didn't answer their phone calls on purpose, because we showed up at their house with the cake about 2 minutes later. Then we had dessert to celebrate.
After Mary and Greg knew, we told extended family and grandparents. Everyone was really excited, and so were we!
P.S. The baby wants Taco Bell nachos. Ha ha, Adam!