Here is the 25 week belly picture - our little boy is definitely growing!
And here is a picture of the two of us...
Time is really flying! We are at 25 weeks today...only 15ish to go!
We had a doctor appointment today and I got to have the glucose test to check for diabetes (fun, huh?). I also had another quick ultrasound because they didn't get a clear picture of one of the valves in the baby's heart last time. Everything went great! My blood pressure is excellent, all the tests came back normal and I'm right on track. My belly even measured exactly on for where I should be.
Our little guy is moving around a lot more now. We joke that he is in there practicing karate or doing acrobatics, because that is really what it feels like sometimes. Adam has finally been able to feel the baby's movements in the past few weeks, which he really enjoys!
We've started gathering more baby items. My mom and sisters have all been buying clothes and baby things whenever something strikes their fancy - garage sales are awesome places to find great deals on baby clothes that have barely been worn! :) We have also purchased our crib (it isn't set up yet), and I got a glider with an ottoman for my birthday. That was super exciting for me - I asked for one and was really glad to get it! Now I just need a baby to rock...only 15 more weeks...
Everything has been going splendidly! Hopefully that will continue...we'll let you know!
Until then,
Beth and Adam
I thought I might comment on your blog so you know someone is checking it. I always get disappointed after all the hard work Jen puts into our blog and we never know if anyone is checking it because we never get any comments!
ReplyDeleteSo here goes.....
Wow! You're getting so big! We'll be praying for you and Adam until the big day, and then twice as much after that! (Yes, I'm an exclamation mark enthusiast!)
P.S. Beth, you're getting big too!